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The Meri-Rastila placemaking project focused in particular on the needs of children and young people and their involvement in the development of the area. The aim was to enliven the Meri-Rastila square, increase the sense of community and promote a sense of place through events and placemaking. The project aimed to improve the square’s amenities and create new shared memories and experiences.
A key element was to listen to the voices of the residents and demonstrate the potential of the space through practical activities. The project was carried out in close cooperation with local actors, using participatory workshops and site-based events including ideating and discovery of play, skateboarding, crafts and movement.

Results and impacts
- Children’s involvement: the children’s perspective was at the heart of the project. Workshops and events allowed children to participate in the design and use of urban space in a meaningful way including unstructured play and increased play and movement.
- Development of the urban space: Parkly’s modular furniture and green elements in the square made the area more attractive and functional. There was a clear change in the use of the square, with a more diverse range of users, including families with children and young people.
- Community cooperation: The project brought together the actors in the area to develop the public space in consensus. It served as a platform for the co-development of solutions and approaches.

“The balance of the square changed immediately with the furniture.”
“The square is now more attractive and lively.”
“This has improved the image of the Meri-Rastila and created a positive sense of community.”
Feedback from local community actors
As a result of the project, Meri-Rastila Square has become a functional and welcoming urban space that better serves local needs and strengthens the identity of the area.
Read an article about the project in Helsinki City news
As part of the project we curated the methods for creative placemaking and stakeholders facilitation:
– Illustrations and shapes for the spatial art by Robert Lönnqvist/Rakastaja Robert
– Map illustration and play workshop by VOKAL, Ella Kaira and Matti Jänkälä
– Skateboarding workshop with Skeittipaku & Petrus Marttila
The first phase of the project was commissioned by Vuotalo / Helsinki Cultural Centre and the second phase was commissioned by the Urban Environment Division of the City of Helsinki.

Workshop during local “block party” facilitated by VOKAL.

In 2016-2017 we conducted the first MERI-RASTILAMME placemaking project commissioned by Lähiöprojekti. In the most recent project we have been utilising the data collected during the first phase. In 2016-2017 the focus was on highlighting focal public spaces, the route from the metro to the seaside as well as working with the local stakeholders to activate the places with events, get-togethers and community building. The square, once seen as a challenging area, began attracting a more diverse group of users, including local children, demonstrating the positive impact of the intervention.

Meri-Rastilan placemaking-projektissa keskityttiin lasten ja nuorten kaupunkikokemukseen ja edistettiin heidän osallistumistaan alueen, erityisesti Meri-Rastilan aukion kehittämiseen. Tavoitteena oli elävöittää aukiota, vahvistaa yhteisöllisyyttä ja luoda yhteisiä muistoja ja kokemuksia eri keinoin, kuten tapahtumien ja paikkaan räätälöityjen työpajojen avulla. Hankkeen aikana kerättyä tietoa käytetään aluehankkeissa ja kaupunkiuudistusalueen suunnittelussa.
Lasten osallistuminen
Työpajoissa ja tapahtumissa painotettiin lasten näkökulmia ja rohkaistiin heitä osallistumaan kaupunkitilaan leikin ja toiminnan kautta, mikä edisti luovuutta ja liikkumista.
Kaupunkitilan kehittäminen
Uudet kalusteet ja viherelementit muuttivat aukion houkuttelevammaksi ja toimivammaksi alueeksi. Tila toivotti tervetulleeksi useampia käyttäjiä, myös perheitä ja nuoria, mikä lisäsi sen elinvoimaisuutta ja positiivista tunnelmaa.
Yhteisön yhteistyö
Hanke yhdisti paikalliset toimijat kehittämään aukiota yhdessä, mikä vahvisti yhteisöllisiä siteitä ja edisti yhteistä visiota aluetta varten.
Projektissa on hyödynnetty vuonna 2016-2017 toteuttamamme placemaking-hankkeen aikana kerättyä tietoa.