Meet the team

We are passionate about transforming cities into vibrant hubs of connection and community.
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Päivi Raivio is a designer and artist with over 10 years of experience in public art, placemaking, and urban design. In 2022 she was awarded with the Helsinki Design Award for the work in participatory urban design and placemaking. She specializes in participatory planning and co-creation projects, ranging from hands-on work to strategic planning. Päivi is passionate about enriching cities with additional layers, community building and creating platforms for new encounters. In RaivioBumann, Päivi is responsible for conceptual planning, fostering new collaborations, and project management.

Päivi holds a BA in Design and Public Art from the University of the Arts London and a Masters in Design and Applied Art from Aalto University. She is an active member of placemaking networks and served as a Placemaking Europe network leader in 2021.

Daniel Bumann is an artist and designer with extensive experience in bringing ideas to life. With a background in theatre and set design, as well as experience in galleries and museums, he excels in planning and executing projects, overseeing production and realization. Daniel’s skills are instrumental in creating better public spaces.

In RaivioBumann, Daniel oversees product development, concept planning, manufacturing, and project implementation.

Born and raised in Bern, Switzerland, Daniel pursued studies in Bern and Vienna before settling in Helsinki.

Together the duo has also set up Parkly – modular urban furniture system that transform spaces into vibrant places.

RaivioBumann advocates for creative collaborations within project teams, comprising urban designers, facilitators, illustrators, and architects.

In 2024 our placemaking projects are coordinated by Päivi Raivio, Anna Kokki and Kirsi-Maria Raunio.