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Keidas installation transformed the Lasipalatsi Square in September 2020. Keidas (Oasis) served as a lush meeting point in the heart of the city, symbolising hope for the future and creating a new spatial experience.
Asmo Jaaksi (JKMM) was commissioned to design an installation to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Amos Rex‘s owner, Konstsamfundet, as a gift to the city of Helsinki and its inhabitants.
Comprising 80 wooden frames, Keidas housed over 30 varieties of herbs, edible flowers, and vegetables. Among the thriving plant towers were pansies, chili peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, parsley, sage, lavender, mint, young apple trees, and numerous others.
Operational from August 1 to September 6, 2020, Keidas culminated in an open event where hundreds of plants and apple trees were distributed to school gardens and individuals within the community.
Read more on JKMM homepage
Design: Asmo Jaaksi, JKMM architects
Production: Päivi Raivio, RaivioBumann
Carpentry: Jan Leutola, Treeform
Plants: Labby Garden
Photos: Koptercam

Keidas-installaatio juhlisti Konstsamfundetin 80-juhlavuotta Lasipalatsin aukiolla 2020. Asmo Jaaksin suunnittelema installaatio muutti Lasipalatsin aukion uudenlaiseksi tilalliseksi kokemukseksi. Erikorkuisista kasvikehikoista koostuva installaatio tarjosi moniaistisen ympäristön, kontrastina ympäröivään rakennettuun kaupunkiin.
Suunnittelu: Asmo Jaaksi, JKMM arkkitehdit
Tuotanto: Päivi Raivio, RaivioBumann
Puusepäntyö: Jan Leutola, Treeform
Kasvillisuus: Labby Garden
Kuvat: Koptercam