Helsinki Market Square Urban Experiments

Elevating waterfronts: from parking places to people's places

Tiivistelmä suomeksi alhaalla

The urban experiments in Helsinki Market Square were established to revitalize two parking areas that were repurposed to accommodate more space for people and elevate the waterfront. The temporary paved way for developing the market and the southern harbour area into a more liveable and lovable place.

We were commissioned to design and implement a modular pop-up park, situated adjacent to the Old Market Hall. It served as an open, free-to-all space for visitors and passersby. It quickly became a highly popular spot, offering sea views, snack areas, play zones, and spaces for relaxation. The park was enhanced with sculptor Petri Eskelinen‘s Seascape/Merinäkymä lenses, providing an almost tangible water element and a fresh perspective on Helsinki’s beloved seafront.

Designed by Studio Puisto, a structure combining a stage and seating area near the main market stalls, known as the “Archipelago,” were utilized for small events. During the summer of 2019, the area also hosted weekly open dance lessons.

In conjunction with the designing and production of the urban experiment, we formulated and analyzed the experimentation process as well as the use of the new spaces. The project and modelling the experimenting process aimed to support the City of Helsinki and Helsinki Urban Spaces in strengthening and enhancing future experimentation projects.

Photos: Jussi Hellsten

Helsingin Kauppatorilla toteutettu kokeiluprojekti toi torille uusia viihtyisiä oleskelualueita ja kutsuvia istuinryhmiä, jotka rikastuttavat alueen julkista tilaa. Projekti pyrkii lisäämään torin käyttömahdollisuuksia ja tarjoamaan paikkoja, joissa ihmiset voivat pysähtyä, rentoutua ja nauttia kaupunkitilan ainutlaatuisesta tunnelmasta.

Mukautuvat ja monikäyttöiset kalusteet luovat torille paikkoja, jotka houkuttelevat niin kaupunkilaisia kuin vierailijoita viettämään aikaa yhdessä. Toteutus heijastaa RaivioBumannin tavoitteita tehdä kaupunkitiloista elävämpiä ja viihtyisämpiä kaikille.