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The Children’s Pop-Up Spaces -placemaking projects in Kontula and Mellunmäki bring a vibrant splash of color to the urban landscape. Designed using co-creation methods with children, these spaces feature diverse functions, playful elements, and games for everyone to enjoy. The projects aim to create more child-friendly public spaces in various districts of Helsinki, particularly near key services such as libraries and youth clubs.
The modular setup is designed for versatility, offering spaces for seating, socializing, playing, and enjoying snacks. It also provides essential shade and creates a welcoming atmosphere, addressing feedback from surveys that highlighted children often find nearby public spaces unappealing. Local stakeholders also benefit from these spaces by extending their services and activities into the outdoor environment.
The projects incorporated various participatory activities to evaluate the use of the pop-up space and its surrounding urban area. Around 100 children took part in workshops, play & game activities, and events during the first summer in 2023. The pop-up spaces are set to remain in place through 2024-2025, continuing to provide children with welcoming environments that evolve through site-specific actions such as workshops.
This initiative is part of the Fiksu Kaupunki (Smart City) program by the City of Helsinki and Forum Virium Helsinki, aimed at enhancing public spaces and the urban experience for children and the project continues under the City of Helsinki Urban Development division.
The urban modular furniture is provided by Parkly, and the canopy prototype in Kontula is designed by Riku Toivonen and the skateboarding elements in Mellunmäki are by Spotti.

Lasten Pop-Up -tilat tuovat värikästä ja leikkisää elämää Helsingin kaupunginosiin, kuten Kontulaan ja Mellunmäkeen. Yhteissuunnitteluna lasten kanssa toteutettu hanke tarjoaa monipuolisia toimintoja ja pelejä kaikkien iloksi. Tilat on suunniteltu erityisesti parantamaan lapsiystävällisyyttä julkisissa kaupunkitiloissa, kuten kirjastojen ja nuorisotalojen läheisyydessä.
Modulaariset ja muokattavat kalusteet luovat paikkoja oleskelulle, leikeille, liikkumiselle ja yhdessäololle. Projekti kutsuu lapset mukaan suunnitteluun ja toimintaan, tuoden samalla esiin heidän näkökulmansa ja tarpeensa kaupunkiympäristössä. Tavoitteena on elävöittää kaupunginosia ja luoda paikkoja, joissa lapset voivat viettää aikaa turvallisesti ja luovasti.